I'm a woman on a mission to help uplift this gorgeous planet.
I've been busy raising children and running a business but have always spent my days daydreaming about the paradise this Earth could be.
I have also always been called to form and/or live in intentional community, for as long as I can remember. I remember growing up in suburban California Bay Area and wondering why everyone lived in such separate, isolated, fenced-off living environments. It always felt strange to me. Personal ownership of things - such as land - also always felt strange to me.
I will do everything in my power to build Cities of Light, birthing new culture on this planet, as well as build Light Temples around the world for dancing, singing, holding sacred ceremony including sound ritual, and new forms of Divine connectivity that are currently being dreamed through us.
Here's to the Light lifting us all into our higher realms of being...
Love to all.