There are literally millions of us: lightworkers, starseeds, embodied angels, galactic superstars, etc. that have come here at this time to help Earth lift.
And the negative energies, the dark ones, are not happy about this. They have LOVED ruling Earth for the last millennia and aren't going out without a big, dramatic spasm.
So the dramatic spasm continues. Negative thoughtforms are being broadcasted to us at an incredible rate. The intensity of this negativity is truly astounding. Division and conflict, violence and ruptures, every form of intentional disruption is at full bore right now trying to get as many humans as possible to believe the separation myth and give the darkness their energy.
We are right in the middle of this transition: on the bridge so to speak. Those of us who aren't buying the lies of darkness and heaviness are steadily walking towards the other shore, which is beautiful and light-filled, harmonious and radiant. It is our ascension path and it is here for us to fully embody and experience on Earth at this time.
And yet there is much sadness, because so many of us are not choosing to be on the bridge and walk towards the light embodied. They are stuck, whether intentionally or unintentionally in fear patterns: anger, grief, violence, pain, war... And so we leave much of our Family behind and there is grief in this.
Yet neither the negative broadcasting nor the pain of "leaving" others behind can ultimately stop us from our ascension path, and those of us who choose to lift are in deep practice right now of clearing all negativity from our spheres and aligning fully with our light.
These tools below are to help us while we are on the bridge leaving the old world and not yet in the New. They can help anchor us in our light transition, and support us in making it fully to the other side of embodied light-being.
listen to music that FEELS light, bright, and uplifting
get out in nature and go for a walk
connect in love and joy to people you admire and appreciate
do activities that you LOVE DOING
follow happiness
eat lighter and cleaner, eat less, eat whole, fresh fruits and vegetables
exercise (even lightly) daily
sing all the time
dance freely
create art
live joyfully
be excited, hopeful, and GRATEFUL
shift all negative thoughts to positive ones
shift all negative beliefs to positive ones
affirm positive, hopeful, possibility statements and declarations daily
breathe fully and deeply throughout the day
pray to God/Source/Spirit and ASK FOR HELP in your ascension process
invite help in to your body, mind, heart, soul and spirit, and LIFE from high-vibration sources
frolic and play
only participate in activities that feel supportive to your light self
only consume/intake things that feel supportive to your light self
clean your house, car, workspace; any and every space you inhabit
minimize possessions and clutter, create open space
release ANY relationships that keep you stuck in older, heavier patterns
only choose relationships that FEEL loving, supportive, helpful, nurturing, joyful, heart-centered, and kind
heal emotional wounds by releasing stored trauma and pain patterns and filling yourself with LOVE
stop eating heavy, processed foods
eat clean and light
become extra aware of your thoughts and change all negative ones to positive ones
focus on GRATITUDE
get out of all unhealthy relationships and replace them with healthy, loving, supportive ones
only listen to and watch positive, high-vibe music, shows, programs, speakers, etc.
get out in to nature FREQUENTLY, DAILY
put your bare feet in rich soil and salt water REGULARLY
take salt water baths
start living your dreams
say yes to happiness and follow it
if your job is boring or toxic, get out NOW and invite in JOY, purpose, heart fulfillment, and all of your needs being met
exercise (even lightly) daily
drink lots of clean, minimally processed water
if there is lots of pollution where you live, move somewhere else
surround yourself with positive people
affirm your light body daily
get regular rest, sleep, and play
make sure your work is in alignment with your soul
avoid any intoxicants
feel big feelings all the way through, get them out of your body, and express yourself freely
be fully authentic and honest with yourself and others
learn to listen with deep care and compassion to yourself and to others
develop and/or grow your relationships with the Earth, Spirit, the Divine, Divine helpers, etc.
meditate, learn to still your mind, and attune to higher frequencies
congregate with other New Earthers and begin building our dreams together
BREATH and growing your relationship with the Divine
CLEAN and HEALTHY: food, water, media, lifestyle, being
Getting into NATURE daily and connecting with EARTH
VISUALIZING peace, harmony, and love on the planet
DREAMING the dreams that are in your deepest heart
Shifting into POSITIVITY in every moment
HEALING pain cycles and filling yourself with LOVE from Source
Surrounding yourself with like-minded COMMUNITY
Living in PRESENCE and being available in every moment for Life
LISTENING to your deepest heart, other's hearts, and SPIRIT
LET GO of old patterns, heaviness, pain, anger, people and environments
Be lead by HAPPINESS
Affirm your LIGHT BEING whenever you think of it
Allow yourself to LIFT and LIGHTEN