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Carrie Burr

Birthing The New Earth

It's happening!! Unfortunately, all the weird transition symptoms we're experiencing are part of the evidence.

Transition symptoms can include: disorientation, grief, depression, anxiety, huge mood swings, sleeplessness and restlessness, an extra need for sleep, grogginess, intense impatience, and more...

I know I've been feeling all of this and then some. My moods can swing from elation to severe heaviness within minutes. One night I can barely sleep and then the next I'm oversleeping, with no obvious reasons why.

The good news is that the more we focus on making lighter and lighter choices in our lives like surrounding ourselves with positive people and environments that are as healthy as possible, eating fresh clean food and getting into nature daily, the more consistently we can feel uplifted and sane.

Disorientation is to be expected at this time, as there is so much upheaval currently happening. Our personal lives, as well as our collective humanity, is being put through the spin-dry cycle to clean everything out that no longer serves us.

Get your feet in the Earth daily. Sit in a salt bath or go in the ocean every few days. Intentionally release any negativity or old patterns that have come up for your review. Let things and people go that have been keeping you heavy or stuck. It is truly time to let go, as we can't hold on to anything anymore, especially the stuff that has been holding us down or back.

Be your authentic self. Express yourself daily. Use your voice in powerful and uplifting ways. These are important things to be focusing on right now.

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